what is normal for you is your normal

Asperger’s – Empowering Different Ability

Asperger’s Syndrome is often, like so many other “conditions” pathologized, defined as “not nomal” – what is normal anyway? Most people think normal is whatever they are like or value. There is no such thing as “normal”. It’s all about difference. Author, Life Coach, BPD/Mental Health and Self Improvement Coach, A.J. Mahari, herself, a person with Asperger’s Syndrome firmly beleives from her own life experience that those with Asperger’s need to learn (if they haven’t already) – those with any major and often judged difference from what the mainstream values as “normal” – to empower what is their own different ability.


Asperger’s Syndrome and Adulthood Ebook and My Asperger Experience Audio © A.J. Mahari

© A.J. Mahari, April 10, 2011 – All rights reserved.

