aj mahari on Aspergers

Welcome To Asperger’s Syndrome – A Different Ability

Welcome to Asperger’s Syndrome – A Different Ability. I am a woman who was diagnosed at the age of 40 with Asperger’s Syndrome. I think it is important to talk about this. It is important for me to do my part in contributing to more understanding of Asperger’s Syndrome, generally, but specifically in those diagnosed in adulthood and also with a focus on the experience of women with AS.

As I continue to learn about so much in my life, generally, but more specifically the ways in which my life is influenced by AS I continue to make more sense out of it all. I think that I also continue to identify the purpose in it all too.

I think of Asperger’s more as a difference – a different ability rather than a disability. I experience Asperger limitations to be more like guideposts to keep me where I need to be so that I will do what I need to do – what I am supposed to do – contribute from a place that is a place of strength. Strength that comes from the areas in my life where I am not as strong as I’d like to be or as others may well be – strength that comes from continuing to be a student of the lessons of difference. A student in the lessons of difference who has come to realize that polarized thinking about difference is a problem for all of us in general in life and specifically, for those with Asperger’s and those who are Neuro-Typical.

In my experience and philosophy of life as someone with Asperger’s Syndrome I find it important to normalize as much of my own experience as possible. I do not see much positive in pathologizing it. I think it is important for those of who have AS to realize that while we may have certain limitations as a result of AS, even Neuro-Typicals (NTs) experience limitiations of some kind in some aspect or other of their lives. So, again, AS, to me is about difference, not a difference that is less than or negative or to be qualified really, just a different way of being – a different ability.

© A.J. Mahari February 6, 2009 – All rights reserved.

A.J. Mahari is a Life Coach who, among other things, specializes in working with those with Asperger’s Syndrome and their partners, relatives, or friends. A.J. has 6 years experience as a
Life Coach and works with clients from all over the world.

