Presently Re-Doing This Site

Hi there! I just wanted to add a note in here that I am currently moving all the contents of this site from html pages to this new blog theme I just designed. So please bare with me while most content will be in this new blog’s design, some in the one step back web template I was using and still other pages, one make-over behind that. Such is web work. I have over 10 websites with hundreds, if not more pages. Time is not my friend, let alone organization in all of these changes.

Until I get all the content in this new blog theme in the left hand side bar you can find links to site pages not yet included in this new version of this site.

Hope you like this site. Hope you find things of interest here. I will be much more active on this site from now on. I have kind of left it for too long. I was busy worrying about all that I do online and, to be very honest, worried about being judged from having Asperger’s and having people say (and they do say it, believe, me) that because I have Asperger’s I must not be recovered from the mental illness I had and things of that nature. I have let that carry way too much weight and those days are now over. I am also a Life Coach. Some might think that having Asperger’s and being a Life Coach isn’t possible. This, I too worried about. But, no more! I realized I had been allowing myself to feel shame for who I am in total. That stops now! I believe in sharing all that I have to give on this topic and life experience as well. I guess I’ve been better at writing about and sharing online things that I recovered from, transcended and Asperger’s isn’t something that I can change, fix, recover from, or totally transcend.

I now accept, acknowledge, and appreciate the gift that this in my life as it so is the core of much of my “different ability”. We can empower ourselves, Asperger’s and all. We can take our strengths and do incredible things with them.

Please do share your thoughts. If you have questions or topics you’d like me to blog about please let me know on my new Asperger’s Syndrome and Adults Facebook Page. You can join me there by clicking the “like” button below and/or clicking on the page title below:


© A.J. Mahari May 30, 2010 – All rights reserved.

